Monday, January 2, 2012

Godt Nytår!

Happy New Years! New years for me was full of great times and fantastic experiences.  I spent it with 3 of my friends. New years here seemed to be quite like in America well besides the fact it came 7 hours earlier... One big difference I found was instead of kissing when its the new year you "jump" into the new year... literally. Everyone stands up on a chair and when its 12 o'clock they jump off. Of course there still was the streamers, noise makers, and the classy 2012 glasses. It was amazing anywhere you look there were fireworks being set off to celebrate the new year. Its nothing like anything I've seen before. Yesterday was a month since I've switched host families. That means in a couple days i'll be entering my 6th month in Denmark! Crazy right! I'm told that after Christmas time flies. Before I know it I'll be leaving Denmark for good :(  I've just got to try my best to constantly occupy my time and not miss a thing!

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